Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Attacks in Libya and the Economy

In the Fox News article Fox News Poll: 53 percent say Obama failed on economy, Libya ‘troubling’, many Americans are worried that this is only the beginning of a long economic downturn and the attacks in Libya are a sign of what is to come. A majority of Americans feel that Obama has “mostly failed at creating jobs” and on “growing the economy”. With many small businesses in dire need of an upturn in the economy; Obama’s track record doesn’t look good. With elections right around the corner, the attacks in Libya couldn’t have come at a worse time. The assaults shook the world on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The Obama Administration had knowledge that the attacks were planned by terrorist organization al Queda and still released a false statement calling the attacks “a spontaneous reaction to an offensive online video”. 67 % of voters found  it “troubling” that the Obama Administration knowingly lied to Americans about the attacks. Will this affect voter’s decisions on the upcoming elections? We will see in November.

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