Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Political Biography

 “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” – Ronald Reagan. 
I consider myself a conservative. I was brought up in a home with strong, conservative, Christian, morals. All my life I heard my parents listen to talk radio and yell their opinions at the radio as if it would respond. I was able to come away from that and start to formulate my own opinions about certain things. Similar to most conservatives I am extremely Pro-Life but I am not totally against same-sex marriage. I took the Political Ideology Quiz and ranked in the category of ‘staunch conservative’. While many of my opinions are right-winged, I do feel that our society is changing and our political values should correspond. I would like to get a better understanding of our government and political issues by the end of this class. I am extremely in favor of a strong military and hoping to go into the military after college; therefore a solid understanding of government is crucial. I scored 75% on the Civics Quiz and 8 out of 11 on the News IQ Quiz; not horrible but certainly room for improvement.

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