Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog Editorial: Swing Votes

On the political blog Red State, the post ‘Why I Think Obama is Toast”; highlights many key points to winning and election. Being a conservative blog the people reading this are probably conservatives or interested independents. As a conservative myself, I saw the title of this blog and was interested in why this person feels this way. Independents being a key component in this post. Independents seem to make a big difference in elections. Independents living in swing states are in an extremely powerful position. They are generally the ones that make the difference in elections. There are elections where the independent vote did not choose a president but in that case there must be a large majority of Republican or Democrat votes. His claim that Obama will lose the upcoming election and Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States is back by a lot of sources. He cites the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, National Review, Mitt Romney, Monmouth University, Public Policy Polling, American Research Group, TIME, CBS News, among others to support his opinions. With the current economic times, Independent voters are unlikely to vote in an incumbent. Republicans turned out in waves for the 2010 midterm elections and are expected to do the same for this November’s elections. The current exit polls for early voting are showing a republican majority. If Obama cannot secure the Independent votes, it is crucial for him to win national popular vote. This election season has been extremely competitive. The debates were fiery and aggressive. I agree with the author because after watching the debates and observing over the past four years with the economic down turn and the sky high unemployment, it seems extremely unlikely for independents or undecided voters to choose the incumbent. Having watched the debates and interacted more in this election than years past, makes me want to vote in this election. It has been neck and neck up until the end. Maybe Obama can pull away with a national popular vote or maybe Romney will come in with a landslide of republican and independent votes. Only the looming elections will tell. 

1 comment:

  1. Today I read Megan Shaver's blog editorial she posted named, "Swing Votes". I found her editorial to be very interesting and informative. Though I am not a conservative, but I do agree with what her editorial is saying. Mitt Romney had the lead in most of the election, and the fact that he did not win the election suprised me. It really goes to show you just how powerful the "swing vote" really is, as Megan stated in her editorial. The undecided and independants always have the option to choose whoever they want, unlike die-hard conservative or liberals. It definetely gives them the boost on power. They are the people that the candidates need to prove themselves to, and show that they are the person that should be in the White House.

    With all of the unemployment and crazy amount of debt, it is weird to think that Obama did get re-elected. But that is not all that comes with presidency. There is many other good things that Obama did do for our country. In "Things Obama has Done..." they provide many of the good that Obama has done for our country, such as "shifting the war from Iraq to Afghanistan", where it should have been all along, and created the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that has created 2.1 million jobs". The reason that President Obama did win end up winning so many of the swing votes was due to all of the good that he has done in the long run.
